Downstream Space Summit

4-5 December 2024

Theme: Transforming Space Data into Economic Value

  • Space & Geospatial Policy Empowering Industry Growth
  • Space Surveillance & Earth Observation Constellation
  • Earth Observation (EO) – Driving Innovation and Revenue
  • Positioning, Navigation & Timing (PNT) – Enhancing Precision and Reliability
  • Satellite Communication (SATCOM) – Connecting the Unconnected
  • Roadmap to a Global Leadership in Downstream Space


To foster the integration of downstream space technologies, including Earth Observation (EO), Satellite Communication (SATCOM), and Positioning, Navigation & Timing (PNT), into various sectors, enhancing data accessibility, service delivery, and transparency.

To promote collaboration between public and private entities by leveraging a digital public infrastructure-led approach, thereby unlocking new commercial opportunities and driving innovation in the downstream space market.

To improve public services such as urban planning and disaster management through the efficient use of space-based data, ensuring that it is accessible and usable across sectors for better resource management and service quality.

To position India as a global leader in the downstream space sector by enhancing digital governance, attracting investments, and driving economic growth through advancements in space technologies.